Travel News

The best Tips to find cheap flights

The best Tips to find cheap flights

Cheap flights do exist ! you just need to find them : gives you the best advice to travel on the cheap side, by plane.

1. Pick the cheapest days to fly

Forget holidays ? Not really. Flexibility is the key to travel for cheap by plane. Choose a week day to fly. Weekends are obviously more expensive. Or are they ? The cheapest days to fly are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Airlines can help you find the cheapest flight on their calendar, you just need a little time to compare.

2. Pick the cheapest hour to fly

Flying early or late at night can be cheaper. If you choose a 5 or 6 am flight, you will fly cheaper. But dont forget that you will have to wake up very early. Nowadays, international flights require you to be at the airport 2 or 3 hours before departures. So don’t forget to count public transport fee, lyft or uber or taxi costs…

3. Use a flight search engine

Competition is key. Airlines will offer discounts to flight search engine to attract customers. Plus you can compare flight time, seats, or get a deal, like a bundle (flights and a hotel, flight and a rental car).

4. Early bird, cheaper than late booking

Try and book your plane ticket as early as possible. Plan you trip way ahead. You can book your ticket very early in the year for Christmas or thanksgiving. The last few days before a flight, prices can go way up.

5. Make sure to check for extra costs

There’s the price of the ticket, but plane companies now add a lot of extra inflight costs. Check what is included in the price of your ticket, like luggage, food and drink, entertainment or internet. Make sure to take a hand luggage with clothes in. That way you can avoid paying for an extra bag. But be very careful about hand luggage, check size and dimensions before boarding the plane, because companies also charge oversized bags.

6. Search for tickets like a new customer

Ever noticed prices go up some days or if you are returning to certain websites ? You are tracked. Don’t forget to search for tickets as a new and unknown customer. That way, you will get the cheap flights. Try deleting your search cookies in your browser. you can also try the incognito mode in your browser but that doesn’t always work. Try a different device, or with another browser too.

7. Time is key, flights with connection are cheaper

Yes, direct flights are easier and faster, but if you dont mind losing a few hours, try and find a flight with a connection. It will increase your travel time, but you can save a lot of money. If you are traveling far away for a big vacation, you can also try and find another city close by, where flights are cheaper, then make the connection with a bus…

The Best Tips for Airport Travel

The Best Tips for Airport Travel

Going to the airport ? gives you the best advice to travel easier and with little hassle.

Airports can be stressful. The Flight itself, but also the hours leading up to it. The night before is rarely calm, sleep is hard… We’re gonna give you the best advice to make those hours easier.

1. Check in your flight in advance

To avoir stress at the airport, just check in for your flight online 24 hours in advance so you don’t have to wait in line once you get to the airport. That way, you can even choose your seat and wont have the stress to know if you will be seating next to your flight partner. Some airlines even charge money now if you dont check in in advance.

2. Food and drinks

Why pay is ridiculous amount of money for food at airports ? Bring your own… fruit leather, energy bars, and trail mix are easily gonna go through custom checks. Water wont, but Pack an empty water bottle.. and then you can refill it for free at the airport, after security. Water fountain or even in the bathroom, there’s water everywhere.

3. Dress for your flight

You can reduce a lot of stress by dressing the right way. First, shoes. sneakers are easier to remove at security checks, dont bring high heels ! And also… socks. When you will be asked to take your shoes off, socks are welcome… And in the plane, they will keep you warm. Coz it can be very cold in there.

The best way to dress in a plane is to dress in layers, and choose comfortable items. Don’t forget, it can be cold, so be sure to take a fleece.

4. Where to charge you smarpthone ?

Most airport now have charging station in the halls. So dont forget your charger in your bag. You will need it at some point. You can also take a portable charger, but it will have to be cleared by security checks.

5. Where did I park ? Just take a photo

Remember that Seinfeld episode where they lost their car in a parking lot ? After a long vacation, you can easily forget your spot. Juste take a photo or a note or your parking spot. It’ll be helpfull 15 or 30 days later…

6. Hand sanitizer

Covid-19 is here to stay, but also a lot of other germs. Take a travel-sized hand sanitizer in your bag. Also take a collection of TSA-approved toiletries to pack.

7. Security checks are faster… left

Wanna go fast at those security checks ? Try the left side if you can. Studies have shown that they are faster.

8. Always put your passport and tickets in the same pocket

The most stressful item to carry on with you is your passport. To not lose it, just put it the same pocket, everytime. It is recommended to carry it on you, and not in a bag. Coz if you lose the bag… You lose the passport. But you can’t lose yourself. Some pants come with zipped pockets, like Dockers pants. Highly recommended for keys and passports.

The best tips for Long Haul Flights

The best tips for Long Haul Flights

Long Haul Flights… are very long : gives you the best advice to ease the journey if you are flying for 8 or 11 hours.

Traveling via plane can be stressful. Even more so when it’s Long Haul Flights. When flying from USA to Europe or Asia, you will have to seat in a very secluded airplane for 8 or 10 or 12 hours. Even with entertainment, that is long. Here are our advice to make things easier.

1. Book the best seats

Booking the right seat can be crucial. Nothing worse than being the middle seat of a 3 or even worse, 5 or 4 persons row. Book a seat with a window. Our advice is to book the 1st row, which has more leg room, but the downside is that maybe they will ask you to give it up for a family. But it’s a risk worth taking.

If you dont like turbulence, make sure too book a seat that’s right above the plane wings. You will hardly feel it… Avoid at all cost the back of the plan which is usually where the bathroom are.

2. Take comfy clothes

Thick socks, a fleece and yoga or relaxed pants are a must. The plane will be basically, your bedroom for the night. Forget jeans. Wear Comfy clothes, and don’t forget, it can be really cold in planes.

3. Take some extra entertainment

Yes, planes are now equiped with in flight entertainment. But sometimes, you cant find something to watch. So why take your own ? Bring an ipad or a tablet with movie you wanted to see for months, shows that you’ve missed… or books and music. The key is that have variety. No one will watch 8 movies during long flights. Your mind isn’t prepared for it.

5. The less luggage the better

There is no room in planes. Don’t take too much stuff that will end up at your feet. Make room for yourself.

6. Avoid bubbly drinks, wine or alcohol

Just drink water on a plane. No coffee, tea or juice. And forget Coke, Sprite. No Alcohol either. It can have some disturbing effects on your body and you wont be very comfortable for the most part of the flight.

To say things simply, you tend to ballon during flights, so avoid drinks that have that effect. And stay hydrated : the humidity is just 10 to 20% inside the plane. That’s drier than a desert. Drink. Water. Often. 

7. Bring a portable charger

8 hours is a long time for a human being. It’s also long for a smartphone or an ipad. You dont want to be without your own private entertainment. So bring a portable charger.

8. Earplugs

Kids, or loud adults can be a real stressful situation in plans. Bring some earplugs, that way you can isolate yourself hen reading a book or sleeping. Plane also make a lot of background noise.

9. Move and stretch

Long Flights are very hard on the body, especially on those very narrow seats. So move. A lot. Often. Get up, walk in the aisle, and stretch. Stretching in the back of the plane is often a good idea. Or even at your own seat.

Safety Tips for Solo Female Travelers

Safety Tips for Solo Female Travelers

Traveling alone as woman can dangerous : gives you the best advice to travel solo, safely.

More and more women choose to travel alone. It can be risky in some countries, so best be prepared.

1. Know where you are going

The best way to avoid problematic situation is to know your surrounding. Where am i traveling ? Is this country, City or neighborhood safe ? Learn about the local culture and customs, learn some key phrases in the local language. Research the scams that used.

2. Blend in

The best way to avoir sketchy situations is too look the part. Don’t look like a tourist. Dress in casual clothes that people would wear where you are going. In some countries, women are required to wear long dress, and not to show “too much”. So research that. Even if you don’t agree with those rules, they can save you…

3. Don’t look lost

The worst way to attract trouble is to look lost. Even if you are indeed lost, stay calm, and find a safe place, like a cafe, a restaurant, to look for your way. Don’t ask anyone for direction. Ask women, or people with children.

5. Stay in crowded places

The more people around you, the safer you are. Don’t take empty or little streets, in area you don’t feel safe in. Stay in the crowd.

6. Stay connected

Give updates to friend and family about where you are. Leave your location active on your smartphone and share it before you travel. Send messages about where you are, or pictures.

7. Drink only what you see get made

Don’t drink too much alcohol and stay yourself. Don’t get accept drinks from strangers, and if you order in a bar, watch closely your drink being prepared.

8. Ask for help and trust yourself

If you are being hassled, don’t hesitate to show your strong side. Stay calm, and ask for help around you. The more noise you make about it, the more the attacker will be forced to leave. Don’t act like a victim. If you don’t feel like going a certain way, in a specific street, even if that’s the shorter route, don’t go. Trust your gut and instinct.

How to Pack Light for Traveling

How to Pack Light for Traveling

Travel packing can be stressful : gives you the best advice to travel light with the smallest bagage possible with the 1-2-3-4-5-6 Rule, layers, and Ranger Rolling.

No one wants to carry a heavy bag. By bus, train or plane, the best advice to travel light is here.

1. The 1-2-3-4-5-6 Rule

What is that ? Let us explain. If you want to travel light, just take one hat, two pairs of shoes, three short or pants, four shirts and sweaters, five pairs of socks, six pairs of underwear. That’s it. With all that, you can travel easily for two weeks with a laundry or two on the way.

Of course, you need to adapt if you’re going to travel in the winter. Then, pack an additional coat (Water resistant is better)

2. Layers is better than big clothes

Every trekker knows this. It’s better to layer than just to have a big, heavy sweater. A short-sleeve shirt with a long-sleeve top will do the trick. On top of that, add a lightweight packable jacket, that is water resistant.

3. The bag is important

Choose the backpack that will suit you best. Dont take heavy suitcases with wheels. It will be a hassle in airport and takes a lot of space, plus you cant really fit more clothes.

4. Ranger Rolling !

Ranger Rolling, what is that ? This is you travel light, by… rolling your clothes. They take way less space than when you just fold them the “classic”. Believe a heavy traveler, it works !

Tourist climbs ancient Mayan pyramid in Mexico, gets booed because it’s forbidden

Tourist climbs ancient Mayan pyramid in Mexico, gets booed because it’s forbidden

A tourist was booed local people after she trespassed on an ancient Mayan temple in Yucatan, Mexico.

The scene was heavily spread on social media : a blonde woman, dressed in red trousers and a blue top, climbed up the stairs of the 79ft-tall Temple of Kukulcan, in Mexico. This is absolutely forbidden.

She then danced at the top of the pyramid and when she climbed down, she was of course booed by local tourists. El Pais quoted Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) said that the monument did not suffer any damage, but the tourist could face a fine from $2500 to $5100.

Climbing the pyramid is forbidden since 2006, when an elderly tourist from California fell down the UNESCO-listed building and tragically died. Ropes surround the pyramid, preventing people from climbing.


Covid 19 : what to do, what to know before traveling

Covid 19 : what to do, what to know before traveling

Covid 19 is still a thing : to be safe and secure, here are the recommandations from the US government.

What You Need to Know

Protect yourself and others from COVID-19:
Get up to date with your COVID-19 vaccines before you travel.
Consider getting tested before travel.
Follow CDC’s recommendations for wearing masks in travel and public transportation settings.
Get tested after arrival.
Countries may have their own entry and exit requirements.
Non-U.S. citizen, non-U.S. immigrants: You must show proof of being fully vaccinated with the primary series of an accepted COVID-19 vaccine before you board your flight to the United States. Only limited exceptions apply.

Before You Leave the United States : Make sure to plan ahead

Get up to date with your COVID-19 vaccines before you travel.
Find out when you can get your booster and where to get a vaccine or booster.
COVID-19 vaccines are effective at protecting people—especially those who are boosted— from getting seriously ill, being hospitalized, and even dying.
Follow all requirements of transportation operators (such as airlines, cruise lines, buses) and any requirements, including mask wearing, proof of vaccination, or testing at your destination.
Requirements in other countries may differ from U.S. requirements. If you do not follow your destination’s requirements, you may be denied entry and required to return to the United States.
If you have a weakened immune system or are at increased risk for severe disease, take multiple prevention steps to provide additional layers of protection from COVID-19 even if you are up to date with your COVID-19 vaccines.
Talk to your healthcare provider about your risk before travel and consider delaying travel to areas with high COVID-19 levels. Even if you are up to date, you should know what precautions to take.


Consider getting tested with a viral test as close to the time of departure as possible (no more than 3 days) before travel.
Make sure you know your test results before travel.
Don’t travel if your test result is positive.
Find a U.S. COVID-19 testing location near you or use a self-test.

The best Tips to Travel Well for Thanksgiving

The best Tips to Travel Well for Thanksgiving

Traveling during Thanksgiving can be a hassle : gives you the best advice to travel during the holiday.

Thanksgiving is often a holiday where a lot, A LOT of people travel. By car, bus, train or plane, it’s the busy season.

1. Plan ahead

Like every trip, it’s always best to plan a trip in advance. And it’s cheaper too, the closest your are to Thanksgiving, the higher the prices will go.

2. Packing : pack the least items possible

Take warm clothes obviously, but you dont need to much. An outfit for Thanksgiving day and then, maybe plan to wash some clothes if you are going away for a week.

3. Passport and travel infos

Check that your passport is still in date before booking travel. You might also need a visa if you travel abroad.  Travel info: boarding pass, address of your hotel… Store all your important document digitally, by sending yourself en email. Simple, you will find it when you need it. But also make a backup, by printing all your infos.

4. Avoid Peak Travel Dates

To escape busy airport, why dont you leave a few days before everyone else ? If you’re on a family trip, try and leave before everyone else. It will make things way, way easier. It’s even easier if you’re going away on a vacation as a couple, or even on your own.

5. Take an extra bag

During Thanksgiving, you will likely come back with stuff given by an aunt, a grandma, a grandpa or your parents : food, stuff from your childhood. So don’t forget to take an extra bag, something light, to bring back all those wonderful gifts your family will offer you.


Erie County travel ban updates

Erie County travel ban updates

Road conditions and weather forecasts : Erie County announces it will update its travel restrictions to reflect the following as it pertains to driving bans starting Monday, Nov. 21.

Here are travel restrictions take as of November 21st. Travel bans are lifted slowly, but be cautious

*Effective at midnight, the travel ban for the Town and Village of Orchard Park will be lifted and replaced by a travel advisory for all of Orchard Park

* Effective at 6 a.m., the travel ban for the Town of Hamburg, Village of Hamburg and Village of Blasdell will be lifted and be replaced by a travel advisory for all of Hamburg

* Effective at 6 a.m., the travel ban for the Town of Evans and the Village of Angola will be lifted and replaced by a travel advisory for all of Evans

The City of Lackawanna and the City of Buffalo south of William Street will continue to have a driving ban until further notice.

Following consultation with state officials, Route 219 and New York State Thruway exits 56 and 57 will also re-open to all traffic effective at midnight tonight.

In addition, the following municipalities will have their travel advisories lifted:






City of Tonawanda






Grand Island




North Collins




North Collins


County officials are still urging all residents to use extreme caution when traveling, especially when approaching intersections in order to help prevent additional blocked roads from motor vehicle accidents or stranded vehicles and to help continue allowing snow removal crews, tow trucks and emergency responders to conduct their work.

Salt Bae banned from World Cup because he touched the Trophy

Salt Bae banned from World Cup because he touched the Trophy

Salt Bae, the famous turkish chef, won’t be invited to the next World Cup in 2026.

Salt Bae couldn’t. He didn’t have the right. A few days after being everywhere on the field after the World Cup, and even touching the trophy, it’s been confirmed that the chef will be banned from the next World Cup in 2026.

Nusret Gokce won’t be invited simply because he didn’t have permission to be on the field, and even worse, to touch the Cup. Only players, staff and officials can touche the famous trophy. ‘Its current design dates back to 1974,’ FIFA’s website reads. ‘As one of the most recognised sports symbols in the world and a priceless icon, the original FIFA World Cup Trophy can only be touched and held by a very select group of people, which includes former winners of the FIFA World Cup and heads of state.’

Salt Bae has been seen with almost all the argentinian players, even trying his best to get a photo with an annoyed Lionel Messi.