Category: Travel Tips

Flight delayed, long wait: what to do at the airport ?

Flight delayed, long wait: what to do at the airport ?

Airports can be exciting places, full of energy and anticipation, as travelers get ready to embark on their next adventure. However, waiting for a flight can also be a tedious and boring experience, especially if you have a long layover or delay. Fortunately, there are many things you can do at the airport to make […]

What you should do Before, During and After Flying to Stay Healthy

What you should do Before, During and After Flying to Stay Healthy

Staying Healthy is an important part of traveling : here what you need to do to have a very healthy flight. Before the Flight Maybe you are a sport maniac. Many you are not. In any case, working out before a long flight, a long travel, is recommended. You’re gonna stay in a confined space, […]

Can You Bring (and Drink) Alcohol On A Plane ?

Can You Bring (and Drink) Alcohol On A Plane ?

Is it allowed to bring alcohol on a plane ? Yes… and no. Here is everything you need to know. What are the Rules for Alcohol on a Plane ? Alcohol during a flight… the big question. Can you take your favorite beverage with you ? Airlines, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and Transportation Security Administrations […]

Travel During Pregancy : What You Need to Know

Travel During Pregancy : What You Need to Know

What To Know About Travel During Pregnancy ? We answers all your question regarding this very special kind of travel. Can you travel when pregnant ? Of course you can. But you need to talk to your doctor first, and make sure that everything is fine in your case, to travel safely. And be prepared […]

Christmas Under The Sun : Where to Fly To ?

Christmas Under The Sun : Where to Fly To ?

You can spend Christmas with your family, or you can have a very special Christmas under the sun : But where to ? is giving you a few sunny destination to spend a unique Christmas. Seychelles A very famous destination to have a sunny Christmas. Located adrift in the Indian Ocean, a thousand miles […]

What To Drink (And Not Drink) On A Plane

What To Drink (And Not Drink) On A Plane

Coffee, Tea, Wine, Water, Juiceā€¦ : What’s the best drink to have on a plane ? A tricky question is answering for you. Coffee, Tea, Wine, Water, Juice… There’s a lot of stuff to drink on a plane. It can be tricky to choose, and sometimes even a bit dangerous. Here are the best […]

How to Choose the Best Seat On a Plane ?

How to Choose the Best Seat On a Plane ?

Kids, turbulence, leg room, sleep : what are the best seats in a plane ? is giving you the best tips to find the best seats for a comfortable flight. Choosing a seat in a plane is more important than ever. With reduced space, finding the perfect seat for your flight is key to […]

How to Prepare for a Long Trip : Tips from Doctors

How to Prepare for a Long Trip : Tips from Doctors

Long Flights, or long Trips can be exhausting: gives you all the best tips to prepare your Body. 1. Sleep, sleep and sleep The best way to travel with little fatigue is to get enough sleep, doctors recommend. Planning, stress and the even excitement of your first vacation in a year (or years) can […]

Airline Carry-on Luggage Restrictions: the best guide

Airline Carry-on Luggage Restrictions: the best guide

Airlines have a lot of restrictions for Carry-on luggage: gives you all the details you need to know. 1. What size is carry-on luggage ? A carry-on luggage in a store is not a carry-on luggage in a plane. Most of the times, airlines will ask you to bring, for domestic flights, carry-on luggage […]