Author: Svetlana Avila

Travel During Pregancy : What You Need to Know

Travel During Pregancy : What You Need to Know

What To Know About Travel During Pregnancy ? We answers all your question regarding this very special kind of travel. Can you travel when pregnant ? Of course you can. But you need to talk to your doctor first, and make sure that everything is fine in your case, to travel safely. And be prepared […]

Top 5 tourists things to visit in San Francisco

Top 5 tourists things to visit in San Francisco

San Francisco is amazing City: is making things easier for you to visite the best tourist attractions. 1. Alcatraz Island Alcatraz, the infamous jail closed in the 60s after three inmates managed to escape. Home of Al Capone for a few years. It’s a must see but be sure to book your tickets in […]

Airline Carry-on Luggage Restrictions: the best guide

Airline Carry-on Luggage Restrictions: the best guide

Airlines have a lot of restrictions for Carry-on luggage: gives you all the details you need to know. 1. What size is carry-on luggage ? A carry-on luggage in a store is not a carry-on luggage in a plane. Most of the times, airlines will ask you to bring, for domestic flights, carry-on luggage […]

Is Turbulence dangerous ? But what is Airplane Turbulence ?

Is Turbulence dangerous ? But what is Airplane Turbulence ?

What is Turbulence, is it dangerous ? is here to explain what Causes Turbulence during a flight. What is Turbulence? Turbulence is probably one of the scariest thing that can happen during a flight. But it is not that dangerous. It is just a disruption in the air current (The plane fly on air). […]

10 Secrets Your Flight Attendants Won’t Ever Tell You

10 Secrets Your Flight Attendants Won’t Ever Tell You

Flight Attendants have many stories to tell : here are the best hidden secrets they don’t want you to know about. 1. They study you as you enter the plane Hi how are you… It’s not a simple polite greet. Flights attendants will help you find your seat. But also quickly study who you are […]

The best Tips to find cheap flights

The best Tips to find cheap flights

Cheap flights do exist ! you just need to find them : gives you the best advice to travel on the cheap side, by plane. 1. Pick the cheapest days to fly Forget holidays ? Not really. Flexibility is the key to travel for cheap by plane. Choose a week day to fly. Weekends […]

The Best Tips for Airport Travel

The Best Tips for Airport Travel

Going to the airport ? gives you the best advice to travel easier and with little hassle. Airports can be stressful. The Flight itself, but also the hours leading up to it. The night before is rarely calm, sleep is hard… We’re gonna give you the best advice to make those hours easier. 1. […]

Safety Tips for Solo Female Travelers

Safety Tips for Solo Female Travelers

Traveling alone as woman can dangerous : gives you the best advice to travel solo, safely. More and more women choose to travel alone. It can be risky in some countries, so best be prepared. 1. Know where you are going The best way to avoid problematic situation is to know your surrounding. Where […]