How to Dress and prepare for a Run in the Cold

How to Dress and prepare for a Run in the Cold

Running in the Winter : how to avoid injury and stay warm ? is giving the best advice to stay keep running in the cold.

Warmup inside

Don’t just go and run right away in the cold. Warm up either inside your home or start with a fast walk of a few minutes. Your muscles will need that warmth, that extra strength to resist cold temperatures.

Extremities : extra care

Keep your feet, head and hands warm. I usually wear a hat in the winter when i run. Yes, you sweat a bit more but it will help you fight the cold wind. You also need those gloves to keep your 10 fingers warm. Opt for wool beanies and gloves, or technical apparel that act like wind walls.

Dress warm with The Base Layer…

Just like you would for a ski or trekking trip, base layer is the most important. Forget cotton, you need those technical base layers. It’s not a big investment and you will feel cosy and warm while running.

… but don’t dress too warm

You should dress for warmth, but not like you are going skiing in a very hard climate. Running makes your body produce heat, so you need to breath. My advice would be to wear the base layer, a middle layer made of wool if it’s extra cold, and then a winbreaker jacket.

Pick special shoes

Most brands sell winter shoes with bigger traction for running in cold temperature. It’s a good idea to have shoes for the winter season.

Don’t go too fast and stay hydrated

The winter is a hard season for the body. You won’t beat your record in the winter, most likely. It’s a season to stay in shape, keep the heart trained, but not to go too fast. you will also need to stay hydrated. Even in the cold, your body need water.

No exploration

Winter is not the season to explore. Choose a terrain that you know by hear. Every little piece of it. You will likely avoid injury that way, because your body and brain know what’s gonna happen next. Plus, there could be snow that will harden your workout session.

Mix with indoor sessions, rest

If you have gym membership or a home trainer, it’s best to combine outdoor running with an indoor session. Your muscles will be more relaxed indoor, where it’s warmer, and it will add some extra strength. So mix and match indoor and outdoor. Don’t forget to rest. Even more so than during warmer season. Maybe remove one session from your schedule and give your body that rest that is much needed.

Written by Carey Sherie

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