Travel News

Qatari Men caught taking pictures of Ivana Knöll, the “sexiest” supporter at the World Cup

Qatari Men caught taking pictures of Ivana Knöll, the “sexiest” supporter at the World Cup

Ivana Knoll, the unofficial World Cup’s ‘sexiest fan’, make Qatar blush during the World Cup: some Qatari Men were quite impressed.

Croatia is still in the World Cup, and Ivana Knoll has no intention to leave Qatar until her country is eliminated. The Croatian model, 26, first caught attention during the match between Croatia and Saudi Arabia.

Since then she made social media exploded at every game. She wears little clothes and doesn’t fear arrest in Qatar, despite strict modesty rules in the conservative country. Male and female visitors advised to ‘dress modestly’ in public during the World cup, but Ivana Knoll is here to make Qatar think again. “how my dress or bikini can hurt someone? Please explain me that”, she says. “I heard about the rules and I was shocked. The dress code forbids showing shoulders, knees, belly and everything and I was like ‘Oh my God, I don’t even have the clothes to cover all of that”, she adds.

“I was super angry because if I’m not a Muslim and if we in Europe respect hijab and niqab, I think they need also to respect our way of life, our religion and in the end me wearing dresses, bikinis because I’m Catholic from Croatia who is here because of the World Cup. But when I arrived I was surprised they were not making any problems about dressing, they allow you to wear everything what you want – except in government buildings, and in the end that’s fine”.

Ivana Knoll says she doesn’t fear being arrested. She probably won’t be though…

And during the last Croatian game, some Qatari Men, dressed in tradtionnal clothing, just couldn’t look away, and took picture of the young woman. Maybe hosting the world cup in Qatar was a good idea after all ?

How to Choose the Best Seat On a Plane ?

How to Choose the Best Seat On a Plane ?

Kids, turbulence, leg room, sleep : what are the best seats in a plane ? is giving you the best tips to find the best seats for a comfortable flight.

Choosing a seat in a plane is more important than ever. With reduced space, finding the perfect seat for your flight is key to a great journey. What are the best seats on a plane ?

Best seat if you are afraid of turbulence

Vast question ! We say, it depends… If you are afraid of turbulence, the best seat for a relaxing ride is a seat over the wing. That’s where you will feel turbulence the less. (What is turbulence, should you be scared of it ? Read our guide here.)

We also recommend, if you have the choice, to pick the biggest plane you can find. Turbulence are usually less felt in a big plane.

Best seat for space

If you need space, if you are tall and need legroom especially, we recommend an aisle seat in the second exit row. Exit row are wider for security reasons. If you have to exit the plane in a emergency landing, you will be firs to leave too… Many planes have two over-wing exit rows. Choose the second row, simply because first exit row will not be able to recline in front of you.

Best seat with Kids

If you are traveling with kids : the best seat is a bulkhead seat next to a window. you likely get the whole row though, with dad, mom and the little one. They are usually located at the front of the plane. You will feel a bit safer and won’t annoy any passenger in front of you…

Best seat for large passengers

If you need a large seat, any aisle seat will do. But be aware that people will come and go next to you all the time… Avoid window seats.

Best seat to sleep

If you like to sleep on a plane, we recommend a window seat near the front, on the left side of the plane. that’s where there is less “traffic” with people getting up to walk or go to the bathroom. When on a window seat, you wont bother anyone by having to get up all the time… and you, yourself, won’t have to get up all the time. And you can lean against the window. Let me tell you, on some Delta Airlines flights, that seat was the best on the plane ! A lot of space between the window and the seat, and even a “mini bar” to store drinks. It was heaven. The front of the plane is also less noisy.

San Francisco to Los Angeles : The Best Road Trip in the USA

San Francisco to Los Angeles : The Best Road Trip in the USA

Road Trips are a once in a lifetime experience : is gonna give you the best Road Trips to do : San Francisco to Los Angeles.

The best, the biggest : San Francisco to LA

Do you have a three week vacation ? Well, here is the best road trip that will do in your lifetime. Start at San Francisco. Great city to visit with a lot of things to do. Don’t rend a car just yet. Use public transportation, bus and bikes. Then, only then rend your car and off you go into your first adventure.

First stop Yosemite

Yosemite is maybe the most amazing National Park in the USA. Bear, wildlife, trekking… it’s a stop that you must make.

Next Stop : Death Valley

Then, head to Death Valley . One of the hottest place on earth. Do not forget to bring a lot of water. It’s not joke, when it’s really hot in spring or summer, you can die in minutes if you are not hydrated enough. Do not drive too fast too, your car will suffer too.

After Yosemite, we recommend taking a short detour to Bodie . the best Ghost Town to visit in the USA. It’s been preserved and left as is since it was abandonned. It’s like the people never left though. A truly amazing experience.

Next Stop : Las Vegas

City of Sin, even if you don’t like Casinos, Las Vegas is a good stop, especially during the week. Hotel prices will be a bit cheaper, free parking and buffet. If you are on a budget, it’s a good stop.

Monument Valley

It’s not the closest landmark, but definitely a must-see. Located in Utah, this is where most Western Movies by John Ford were shot back in the 60s and 70s. You can spend the night in the Valley too.

Joshua National Park

And after that ? Joshua National Park is also a must see destination. Again, it can be very hot there, so don’t forget water, and hats. The Sun is harsh and dangerous.


Next Stop ? That will be Los Angeles . city of Angels. Loads of things to do here: the Famous Hollywood Sign, Santa Monica, Venice beach, maybe a basket ball game to see the Lakers ? The City is enormous so be prepared to spend a lot of time in your car. The view from the Griffith observatory is also a stop that you have to make. Like Cinema and tv shows ? Universal and Warner have a lot to offer. You will visite the set of famous TV shows, or maybe see a few actors…

Interstate 1

If you wanna do more, a loop, we also recommend driving on the interstate 1 to Big Sur . Maybe the most beautiful drive you will ever do. Spend the night in Big Sur, then back to LA to take the plane back home. The Road Trip of a lifetime.

Time Travel: ‘Indiana Jones 5’ Trailer Shows De-Aged Harrison Ford

Time Travel: ‘Indiana Jones 5’ Trailer Shows De-Aged Harrison Ford

Harrison Ford is young again thanx to technology : Indiana Jones 5 will show a 80 years old Indiana Jones with a twist.

Indiana Jones is coming back. And yes, Harrison Ford still plays the character. 13 years after the last movie, the actor doesn’t want to let go of the part. George Lucas did not write the story and Steven Spielberg is not the director of this new Indiana Jones 5. James Mangold writes and directs.

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny’ is due for release on June 30, 2023 in the US. It will show a younger Jones, fighting the Nazis. “My hope is that, although it will be talked about in terms of technology, you just watch it and go, ‘Oh my God, they just found footage. This was a thing they shot 40 years ago,’ ” producer Kathleen Kennedy recently told Empire.

What does it look like ? Here is a snapshot.

Indiana Jones 5 - Harrison Ford de-aged

Harrison Ford was a bit shocked himself: “This is the first time I’ve seen it where I believe it … I don’t think I even want to know how it works,” he said. “It doesn’t make me want to be young, though. I’m glad to have earned my age.”

And Ford confirmed it will be his last Indi movie. “This is it,”.


And the trailer below :

San Francisco allows police ‘killer robots’ in the streets

San Francisco allows police ‘killer robots’ in the streets

San Francisco is the first city to allow robots to kill for police in its streets.

Remember Robocop ? It’s becoming a reality in San Francisco. The High Tech City has allowed ‘killer robots’ to patrol in the streets. A spokesperson for the police said “robots could potentially be equipped with explosive charges to breach fortified structures containing violent, armed, or dangerous subjects”.

Those robots could in the near future “incapacitate, or disorient violent, armed, or dangerous suspects who pose a risk of loss of life”.

But how will it be used ? The City board stipulates that only a limited number of high-ranking officers could authorise the use of lethal force by those robots. Their use is for now, not in operation. “No policy can anticipate every conceivable situation or exceptional circumstance which officers may face. The SFPD must be prepared, and have the ability, to respond proportionally,” a spokesperson said. The City Police doesn’t own any of those robots yet.

World Cup : Ivana Knöll, the “sexiest” Croatian supporter that shakes Qatar

World Cup : Ivana Knöll, the “sexiest” Croatian supporter that shakes Qatar

Ivana Knoll, the unofficial World Cup’s ‘sexiest fan’, make Qatar blush during the World Cup, by wearing little clothes in stadiums.

Croatia is still in the World Cup, and Ivana Knoll has no intention to leave Qatar until her country is eliminated. The Croatian model, 26, first caught attention during the match between Croatia and Saudi Arabia.

Since then she made social media exploded at every game. She wears little clothes and doesn’t fear arrest in Qatar, despite strict modesty rules in the conservative country. Male and female visitors advised to ‘dress modestly’ in public during the World cup, but Ivana Knoll is here to make Qatar think again. “how my dress or bikini can hurt someone? Please explain me that”, she says. “I heard about the rules and I was shocked. The dress code forbids showing shoulders, knees, belly and everything and I was like ‘Oh my God, I don’t even have the clothes to cover all of that”, she adds.

“I was super angry because if I’m not a Muslim and if we in Europe respect hijab and niqab, I think they need also to respect our way of life, our religion and in the end me wearing dresses, bikinis because I’m Catholic from Croatia who is here because of the World Cup. But when I arrived I was surprised they were not making any problems about dressing, they allow you to wear everything what you want – except in government buildings, and in the end that’s fine”.

Ivana Knoll says she doesn’t fear being arrested. She probably won’t be though…

How to Prepare for a Long Trip : Tips from Doctors

How to Prepare for a Long Trip : Tips from Doctors

Long Flights, or long Trips can be exhausting: gives you all the best tips to prepare your Body.

1. Sleep, sleep and sleep

The best way to travel with little fatigue is to get enough sleep, doctors recommend. Planning, stress and the even excitement of your first vacation in a year (or years) can add a lot of pain to your body. So don’t forget to sleep well and a lot a few days before your departure. When traveling, you will be exposed to a lot of new viruses and bacteria. Help your immune system by getting a lot of rest.

2. Workout

Just like you would stay in shape for summer or for everyday live, workout before a long trip. Your body will have to deal with walking, lifting heavy bags, steps down, steps up, waiting in line… etc. So be prepared. Boost your system before your vacation is the best way to travel well, according to doctors.

3. Drink… water

Drink a lot of water before a long trip or flight, according to doctors. Staying well hydrated is key. Drink at list two or thee liters of water per day. It will boost your system. And when you are flying, remember to also drink a lot during the flight. No coffee or soft drinks, water, water and water. Caffeinated drinks and alcohol will cause dehydration of your body, and you don’t want that during a 8+ hour flight.

4. Supplements

Try immune-boosting supplement before travel. It will help your body prepare for that long trip. Five days before your vacation or business trip, take some vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, and probiotics. Doctors recommend taking those supplements to help the body fight viruses and bacteria that you will no doubt encounter at the airport, in the bus or taxi, or in the plane.