Tourist climbs ancient Mayan pyramid in Mexico, gets booed because it’s forbidden

Tourist climbs ancient Mayan pyramid in Mexico, gets booed because it’s forbidden

A tourist was booed local people after she trespassed on an ancient Mayan temple in Yucatan, Mexico.

The scene was heavily spread on social media : a blonde woman, dressed in red trousers and a blue top, climbed up the stairs of the 79ft-tall Temple of Kukulcan, in Mexico. This is absolutely forbidden.

She then danced at the top of the pyramid and when she climbed down, she was of course booed by local tourists. El Pais quoted Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) said that the monument did not suffer any damage, but the tourist could face a fine from $2500 to $5100.

Climbing the pyramid is forbidden since 2006, when an elderly tourist from California fell down the UNESCO-listed building and tragically died. Ropes surround the pyramid, preventing people from climbing.


Written by Svetlana Avila

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