Nike accidentally sells three stars shirt for France… before the World Cup Final
Nike has made a big big mistake : the US Brand sold French national team shirt containing three stars on the badge on sale to their customers, but before the World Cup Final was even played.
The World Cup Final : France against Argentina. But it’s also Nike versus Adidas. And Nike knows how to create buzz. Was it a mistake or done on purpose ? The Nike website sold for a short time the French national team shirt containing three stars on the badge. But France has only two for now.
Although the models are wearing shirts with only two stars indeed, the description read: “FFF [French Football Federation] three stars 2022/23 stadium residence.”
Nike has made that “mistake” before, so it’s no surprise that it’s happening again. Or it’s just clever marketing. The page was quickly removed on friday. That mistake was apparently only made on the french website.
Carey Sherie
January 27, 2025